I like to plan for photography sessions just as I would for any other family outing. As a Mom of two little guys, we don’t ever leave the house without a bag of tricks. Here are some ideas of what you should bring with you to your session (just in case):
Backup change of clothes. Especially with little ones, a diaper blow out, fall in the mud, or spit up could happen at any time. Possibly a shout wipe or tide stick for the accident prone adults also!
Snacks for the little ones. Nothing can stop a toddler tantrum like a puff or a cheerio. Just be sure you bring snacks that are easy to eat and not messy. We don’t want to stain hands faces or outfits. If you want to bring a special treat (I’m not above bribery either) please save it for the end of your session, once they have that sucker, it is going to be in the rest of the pictures! In the warmer months if we are outside, bring a bottle of water to sip on in between sittings.
Wet wipes, paper towels or burp cloths. It’s always good to have something to clean up a mess with.
A lovey or comfort toy is always welcomed. Although I don’t think of myself as scary, my camera with a big lens on it can sure be intimidating!
If you have any special props or blankets, be sure to bring those as well.
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